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Stop Affair Relationships - Affair Relationships: Can They Last For Good?

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Do you honestly believe that certain affair relationships can last for long even if it's not good at all?

If the relationship both of you have is formed because of leaving the other spouse behind, do not be rush to decide in leaving the original relationship in just a split of a moment; you need to take time to think of all the consequences of your planned action and outweigh the risk and benefits.

True enough, it is really hard to sustain a relationship that begins by both of you cheating and lying. For one thing you're both going to have a real problem trusting each other. I mean, you both are cheaters that's why you established a relationship so how can you assure each other that you will not cheat? Okay, let's say you already conquer the issue of mistrust, how about those other issues in your life like the persons involved?

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For one thing, are there kids involved? This is by far the complex and the tough situation you will ever face in this situation. No one wants to hurt their kids and it will be virtually impossible for the kids to ever feel warm fuzzies for the person who broke their other parent's heart (at least that's the way the kids will see it. More than likely they'll let their cheating parent largely off the hook and blame the other man/woman). More so, if you have no kids, do not problem dealing with it, what you need to think is, can you sustain and maintain the spark of the relationship even if it's long enough?

One of the biggest reasons the two of you felt so free in the first place was because you didn't share any responsibilities. However, time will pass and you feel that the relationship is getting routinary - that's the start of the problem. You have to think realistically that a feeling of getting "used to" the "usual" will both haunt you over and over again. Your new partner may not be as good as new in 10 or 15 years from now.. just like what you felt in your original spouse.

Are you still in love with your spouse at this moment? you need to answer this one significant question after all the facts being said and done that calls for some sort of your consideration. If you openly and honestly answer that you don't LOVE your partner anymore, then it's better to leave your partner as earlier as possible not because you can't wait to be free, but you are preventing an extreme pain to be felt by your him/her. If it comes to that, it's best for everyone involved if you don't let them know that the catalyst for the breakup is your affair. That is one secret you should keep to yourself. Just tell your spouse that it's really over and just be kind and gentle as possible.

It has been said that affair relationships do not seem to work for many, however, even if your roads met in the wrong way, as long as you both believe that you love each other and the past marriage is over for a long time, you can give it a try. Just keep it within yourselves the fact that you were together while both of you are married to other persons and there's no need to cause pain to some significant others.

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