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Dealing With Break Up As Painlessly As Possible

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It is quite common to have deep emotions for your lover even you have broken up for a while as you may still carry on the feelings for your lover. The first step towards dealing with a break up is to let go of your relationship and carry on with your life as this will make you feel better. Often, we would find such continuing to lament our loss, allowing oneself to be remaining depressed and becoming mentally unstable, thus adversely affecting our life. You can get over a loss through four possible ways:

Releasing All Emotions

Try not to bottle up all your feelings as it may stop you from thinking logically and it may cause you to end up with unwanted actions. The burden of loss can be eased if you would find ways to share your sorrow with someone else. There are many ways for you to seek help such as speaking to your family or friends, looking for a relationship counselor, or even writing it down what is in your mind. These things would hold your feelings in clear, precise expressions and can be shared with the rest of the world. By allowing yourself to cry and letting your feeling flow out, you would find yourself being able to think more thoroughly with a clear state of mind.

Diverting Attention

Anger and sorrow can make you tensed or fatigued, however, these are emotions created by the mind. Thoughts lead to feelings, which leads to actions and then to results. Therefore, you have to learn to control your mind and change your focus away from the loss of your ex. By engaging yourself in a new job would keep you busy or you can bring some excitement for yourself by picking up a new hobby. In order to fill up the gap in your heart, you should hang out with your friends more instead of staying at home to think about the unhappy moments. If you want to ease your pain, you can try eating your heart out with the food you love. The loss of someone you loved usually takes up a lot of your attention and once you are able to free yourself for other beautiful things in life, you will be able help yourself to get over the loss and move on from there.

Knowing New Friends

When you start to know new people, you will tend to learn that there are other kinds of people out there in the world for you to discover. It is possible to have the feeling of losing someone you loved deeply and it is hard to replace that hole after the break up. You might find someone with a better personality out there if you are willing to meet up with other people. This is not to suggest finding a replacement. This is to help you accept your loss and not think it is the end, and to look forward to a future with a better partner.

Let Time Heal You

There is a saying that time heals all wounds so it may help if you allow it to. Giving time to think things through, giving time for feelings to calm down, giving time to decide whether to really end the relationship or salvage it, and most of all, giving time to think of what to say, if at all. Break up will make you feel very badly and how long the feeling will last really depends on individual. Wanting to move on immediately after a break up can be challenging if you still hold strong desire for your partner. Wanting to resolve the situation can also be difficult if it causes a mix up or conflict of emotions. Things could turn out for the better if you have taken the chance to think through your next action steps. No point being hurry, as some would say.

It is definitely not the end of life when you have lost someone you loved and it is also not the end of a relationship if a break up occurs. All wounds and hearts can be mended with the love and passion reignited.

If you find the above tips useful, you find out more about Dealing With A Break Up at our relationship site.

Learn how to get back your love to stop your break up, divorce or lovers rejection today by discovering the secret that can helped you get back your ex relationship or stop the lover's rejection.

How to Get Back Together