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Men Commitment Issues - 6 Hindrances Why Men Steps Back For That Big "C"

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Men commitment issues have always been influenced by fear, as such, commitment is a NO for most men. Fear of commitment is actually not a single fear, but it comes with various fears such as the fear of loss of freedom, privacy, financial damages and compromise. Justifications may be given by men when asked about the fear of commitment, so whatever those reasons, this is a challenge for women out there to be very careful in finding the right person and better check if that person is ready for a commitment or not.This is very helpful for people who are unaware of commitment issues with their men. So, what now? do men have more commitment issues than women? According to a reliable source, out of 10 guys that you date, 8 turn to have a fear of commitment.

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Love is indeed a powerful emotion, but it can be horrible when you fall in love with the person who doesn't even know the word, "COMMITMENT".Heartbreak is always painful, and so as love without commitment.

Despite such dilemma, it is important that you will be able to know the following men commitment issues that can hinder you to continue the established relationship.

Unable to date more than 1 woman – There are just certain times that men love to encounter and date many women at the same time. Therefore, when commitment is part of the relationship a man decides to enter, dating moments with multiples girls is such a NO!Of course, it has always been given that a man is to be trustworthy and loyal to his partner, no looking at sides finding more girls. Now, for men, the idea of commitment give them a headache as they feel so trapped and controlled, keeping them away with encountering lots of girls.

They are scared with what the other men's experience in relationship/marriage – This is common among men during a break from work where some co-workers tell them about their complaints of their married life, or their friends during a night out who also have the same complaint that they are made to follow certain standards in marriage/relationship. They also get those unpleasant ones, a newly adopted and adjusted life and a bigger responsibility to do.Men hearing those stories make them step back and would stay only on a dating-dating relationship without strings attached.

Financially Unstable – Men is ego centric, and one thing that triggers their ego is the ability to provide financially when it comes to the family or relationship. As men, they are responsible to support their soon to be family financially. If they think they cannot support them at this time, then commitment is a NO for them.

Dependent – The idea of commitment for men are to be independent in deciding and problem solving. However, there are men who are so overly dependent that even simple decisions they cannot make and depend merely with their parents.They feel that if they are in a committed relationship, their ways of life such as being dependent with their parents will change which they actually fear the most.

No Firm Decision - Sometimes, men are too good in making promises to their partners and in the middle of the relationship, they realize that they do not want to settle first, so women are left hanging making them feel so alone, neglected, hurt and depressed.

Past emotional trauma – This is more likely an effect of the past bad experiences men had on their relationship. Because of those experiences that lead to emotional damage, trust is also compromised as trust was broken on that time and so committing into a relationship is hard.

Men and women are the responsible beings of the relationship and it is to women on how to to find ways to successfully deal with the men commitment issues,and of course, it is to men on how he can change for the better and to be ready for a commitment. However, the issues are not just meant to be solved but also to realize the need for responsibility, independence, maturity, firmness and stability. So when men know that they are not responsible enough, it's time to become one; and when they know they are unprepared to become independent, it's time to decide on simple things.You cannot learn to take in control of your life when you don’t allow yourself to be one.Remember, you could not ask for more when you get into a relationship with the desire to be forever happy with him/her.

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