Help Save My Marriage - How To Rescue Your Marriage With Intimacy
When you think that your marriage is about to meet its doom, never lose hope and believe in yourself that you can put it back the way it used to be. You should believe that you truly can rescue your marriage in order to save it. Better start believing that you can save your marriage.
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The lack of intimacy is usually the common problem among marriage. Married couple should not only be physically intimate but also emotional as well. Try asking yourself if your marriage lacks intimacy.
Are you open and transparent with your spouse? Do you share your feelings with your wife or do you keep it all on your own? You are going to get working to save your marriage by being more intimate if you emotionally exclude your partner emotionally.
Make sure that you're making every attempt to share your problems and worries with your spouse. Too often people find themselves worried and preoccupied with a situation. People don’t get to share their worries with their spouse because they get too focused on thinking about a solution. This mistake is huge because you are excluding your spouse wherein both of you should be helping each other.
Remember that spouses can easily sense when there is something wrong, and when you exclude them, they begin to feel unwanted and that’s when your marriage can be affected.
Try having a time for your marriage in order to preserve the intimacy between you and your spouse. Not spending time for your marriage would be a plan for disaster on your relationship Don’t allow your marriage to get troubled by spending all of your time with your career or to the children.
Spending your time with your spouse is a must if you want to keep your marriage. Try taking an afternoon off then go out and have some fun with your spouse. When your spouse realizes that you value them to the extent of changing your schedule to include them, you will begin to see an improved difference in your marriage.
Remember that maintaining the intimacy in your marriage takes a lot of time and should be continuous so that it won’t die out. Don't ever make the mistake of allowing your marriage to be left set on auto-pilot. A marriage becomes healthy and prosperous when it is regularly being attended to.
Phobia Of Commitment - Fear Of Getting Into A Commitment
Many people think that having a relationship means getting ready to act the role of a marriage couple that is why the phobia of commitment happens. Have you experienced being single in most of your life? Do you know a situation wherein you almost have a ideal relationship and then you unexpectedly got worry? Do you know the feeling of crying alone waiting your eyes to close and you can’t find a friend whom you can cry on? Do you know the feeling of your relationship to fall apart and you really don’t know why it should end? Have you had cold nights and the only thing you can hug is your pillow and your own self? This is really a fact one can relate, but in the back of your mind, you know exactly the answers to the question. Take note of the big “C”, the answer to the questions which means COMMITMENT. When you heard of that, your skin may get cold, shaking and your heart beats faster than normal. So, do you fear commitment? Let us get into the details of how these can be overcome.
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A fear of getting attached to a certain person or object especially to a relationship is what we call phobia of commitment Commitment phobic people are afraid of responsibilities attached to the relationship that they might not meet in the long run. Before they start to have a relationship, they think on how to grow up and what mistake they might meet, and at the end of the day they will find no interest in entering. You should first know the detail of a certain object before you wanted to buy it is an example of this. So, having a relationship depends on you, on what are your thoughts about it. Thinking about what will happen negatively and won’t open herself to any possibilities that she might have a good relationship, then he just chose to make himself experience pain everyday. You have chosen yourself to be a victim of your own verdict and you have suffered a lot about it. Do not allow your phobia to make you suffer. The following are the tips that could overcome phobia:
1. Self–Awareness. You always ask questions about why it has to be you but you know exactly the reason why. To undergo in the process of denial is normal. But, don’t let denial overpower your life. Acceptance comes in when you know how to acknowledge your fear and this will help you get healed.
2.Go to the process of elimination. You should find time to reflect and know when does your phobia started. What is in you that stops you from getting into the relationship? List down all your negative thoughts and slowly do away those thoughts for you to change the feeling deep inside of you.
3.Accept and Conquer the Fear. You should ask for the advice of a therapist so that you will know what the solutions to your problem are. In any relationship, there are always good and bad times. Sometimes, you laugh and cried. That is the true essence of a relationship because with that you will grow and become a better person. You should accept your fears and accept it and look at the positive side.
Life has always been a choice after all. Phobia of commitment would tell, “All men/women are jerks/bitch”, “they will just use me”, “they will get money out from me”, but those unjustified reasons would lead us lonely and unlucky in love. Instead of using the phobia as a hindrance to your happiness, why not consider it as a help for you to be careful in finding love. Failing means you must stand up again and prove to them that you can do it.
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How To Get Over Being Dumped - Been Dumped, Feel Lost, Find Yourself
First, you need to be back. If you want that sweet comeback with your ex, you have to be prepared. So, overcome your pain and anger first before communicating with your ex If you contact your ex without being prepared, you would have just made them feel more defensive, thus, pushing them away.
The hurt from a breakup usually diminish for such a long period of time.take time to learn more about your feelings and face them as they come. After settling some issues within you, you have to decide if you are good to go and determine what you really want. And if you decided to go back and rebuild the relationship with your ex, then go on. In entering once again in a relationship, you should keep in mind that you have to be willing and ready because once you are not prepared, a lot of problems may arise and the more you are prone to get hurt.
Now, when you are ready, you message or call your ex and invite her for a cup of coffee. If they are willing to meet you, you need to have planned out what you want to say. This isn't the time to fly by the seat of your pants. Never attempt to start a conversation begging your ex to come back with you. Now is the time to try and reconnect and remind them how much fun the two of you used to have.
During your conversation, you might already have stated your opinion as well as the concerns that caused problems in your relationship. If so, this meeting could be a great time to let your ex see these improvements with their own two eyes.
Of course, if the two of you are going to make things work for the long haul both of you will most likely need to assess your habits and attitudes and make some changes. Now isn't the time to worry about that though, the only person you can change is you. Let that be your focus for now. Then when the two of you get back together and you are trying to keep things strong you can work on other issues that may be driving a wedge between you and creating difficulty in your relationship.
Don't lose hope. No matter how difficult both of you had and at times both of you wanted to give up, there will always be a way for both of you to work things out. There is always hope after you have been dumped.