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Marriage Is In Trouble - 12 Odd Changes In Marriage

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How can one know that her marriage is in trouble? There are plenty of issues that the husband and wife will have to face. These are issues that can break the bond of marriage, and may even lead to dissolution of marriage.

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Marriage as we all know is a sacred bond and a commitment promised by 2 persons that they will love unconditionally until the end of time. Marriage is completely assessed not on the happy times spent together but on worst times where they are trying to overcome troubles and challenges together. The first few years of marriage life is the most sweet and happy times of marriage. And as time flies, you will go deeper into a the marriage life, a stage where different personalities are mixed and revealed, both negative and positive. Those imperfections, bad habits and negative personalities can trigger an argument between husband and wife. When a spouse ask someone advices or tips on how to save a marriage, it is a big sign that there is something wrong in the relationship. How can the couple say that their marriage is in trouble? Take a look below on the 12 different warning changes that imply marriage is in trouble.

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1. You feel as if your partner is not that physically pleasing and his/her her presence annoys you.
2. Frequent fights.
3. You are less intimate this time: no holding hands while walking around somewhere else.
4. Your spouse now wears perfume and very well dressed which he/she never did before.
5. You have separate activities for a day.
6. You don't sleep together.
7. Instead of laughing at own mistakes, you both make use of it as an advantage during an argument.
8. Both of you consider married life as a routine.
9. Both of you are not concern anymore about how each other's day was.
10. You only focus on the flaws of each other and when noticed, you get mad.
11. You feel like you are the only one who is reaching and working out for the marriage.
12. Your partner is becoming too defensive when asked about where he came from or what he did in some place.

Truly, marriage is not a simple commitment to make. It cannot be likened to a dress or underwear, that when you feel you are overusing it, you discard and considered it unused. Yes, marriage is not happy all the time. Marriage cannot promise you total happiness but with different experiences both positive and negative that the marriage brings, and so it will give you the best and wonderful experience ever. No one can easily leave the marriage behind because it only means that you also leave your responsibilities for your family. The couples can only say that marriage is in crisis when the mentioned above signs are evident. Do not simply jump into the idea of separation, instead, both of you must find solutions to the problem.Those signs will not happen when the couples from the start already love and accept each other despite differences.

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