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Avoiding A Love Break Up - Lack Of Intimacy & Constant Lies

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If you experienced a love break up, you know how much pain it can caused you. And after the relationship ended, you can look back on times when you were still together and you may realize that there are actually signs for an impending break up, but the problem is you were too busy to realized it before. If you will just bear in mind all those signs, it can be useful in the future relationships you will have. And it can even help you get back together after the break up.

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Lack of physical contact is one great sign that indicates upcoming love break up. This is not only about making love and doing sex. When sex is no longer interesting for your partner and have not been doing it with you for quite too long, a break up is surely upcoming. But, sex normally can be too much or too less for any given relationship. This is all but natural, believe me! A love break up is probably on the horizon though, if your partner stops holding your hand for no apparent reason. A sweet embrace and a kiss before separating for work are not even evident anymore where he usually did it on the past few months.

Any sudden changes like not touching you much outside the bedroom when your partner was always very affectionate before could signal problems. If these are becoming worst each day, you need to to talk about these issues with your partner and ask what is really bothering him.

More over, there are certain things that make the person dislikes not to be touched for a given time. Sometimes the person is thinking of something deep and then you suddenly touch him and so the tendency he may be surprised and shocked with such touch. A touch may indicate a time for sex, or if not you just want to be affectionate or intimate. If your partner moves away form your touch, it only means that he is not interested to be intimate with you this time. That does not calls for a love break up immediately. Your partner may not be feeling well for the moment. Remember that not all the changes of the person's behavior signal a love break or there is something wrong in the relationship. You need first to determine whether or not the changes are just eventual or permanent.

Catching your partner in lies, even what seem like small and harmless ones, could be a sign of problems, too. You see, if the lie is just too small and not that really a big issue, why did he still refuse to tell you? Even if one small and tiny lie is made, there will be more than that to happen in your relationship and when that time comes, it will become detrimental in your relationship. However, do not immediately decide a love break up once lie has been made. There are actually lies that are also good such as those surprise parties and gifts. Your partner is just making fun out of those lies, a fun secret perhaps; so better think when deciding on love break up.

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